About Me

Welcome to Hanna’s Healthy Kitchen, a food blog that offers a wide range of healthy and sometimes not so healthy food recipes! It’s all about that balance right 😉 Along with the recipes I include a nutrition profile and an explanation of why and what the recipe is good for! 

My interest in healthy cooking began at a very young age, 5 years old to be exact. My grandma, an immigrant from Damascus, Syria, taught me how to cook, and my passion for cooking and health became stronger as I got older. I played competitive sports my whole life and always made it a priority to be in great shape. I then gained a great interest in eating foods that would increase my energy level and allow me to be more competitive on the field. 

In college, I double majored in Nutrition & Dietetics and Food Science and have worked in different areas of the two. I also studied abroad in Florence, Italy and took culinary courses to strengthen my cooking abilities!

I started my career as an intern for a fermented foods company where I made some awesome and yummy fermented goods like Kombucha, sauerkraut, yogurt, etc. Then after college I worked as a health coach for a weight loss clinic in a gastroenterology Doctor’s Office. I assisted over 100 people achieve or were on their path to reaching their weight loss goals. I currently work at a Japanese Food Company called AFC Franchise Corp in the Research and Development department as a Nutrition and Labeling Compliance Coordinator.

I still cook and exercise daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Since my current job is a full time 8-5 Monday through Friday job I am challenged to maintain this healthy lifestyle, however with the appropriate planning and knowledge in the field I have some great tips, tricks, and cheats that allow me to stay healthy with a very busy lifestyle! I hope these tips and tricks are helpful to anyone out there that is looking for easy healthy recipes that will work around their busy schedules!

I hope you enjoy my recipes as much as I do, I would love to hear your feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! 

<3 Hanna 

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